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Biotechnology Agro & Industry Kisker Products

Pipettes, pipette tips

Quali Tips VALUE LINE Tips Pipettes and robotic tips FlexTop Gel-Saver-Tip Gel-Cutter-Tip Easy pipettor with rechargeable battery Serological pipettes...

PCR tubes, PCR plates and fasteners

Quali PCR tubes Quali PCR plates PCR tubes PCR plates Film and mat Sealer...

Deepwells, cell culture, centrifuge cups

Quali cell culture flasks Quali plate Plates Eco Deepwell Plates Film and mat Cell scrapers Quali Petri dishes Quali tubes Accessories for tubes Filter tubes Quali inoculating loops and needles...

Rack systems

Racks Pipette stand Freeze Racks Reservoirs...

Cryo-boxes/tubes and storage systems

Cryotubes Screw cap and accessories Quali cryoboxes Cryobox, rack Stainless steel rack CryoSystem, Dewar VALUE LINE laboratory Freezer Laboratory Freezer...


Fuji SuperRX X-ray film X-ray cassettes Intensifying Screens...

Hybridization, electrophoresis

Electrophoresis chamber Electrophoresis power supply Semi-Dry blotter Gel dryer Membranes and blotting-paper Gel documentation system...


Dry block Shaker, Thermo-Shaker, agitated incubator Small incubator Centrifuges Plate washer Nylon-Wool-Fiber Nanophotometer Photometer for microtiter plates Vacuum pump Water baths...

DNA/RNA/cell density measurements

Densitometer zur Zelldichtebestimmung Einweg-Zählkammern (C-Chip) EVE Cell Counting Slide


Polystyrene-/Coated-/Flow-/Cytometry/Silica-/Glas-/Biodegradable Particles Magnetic Particles Powdered Microparticles

Laboratory gloves


Workstation, UV-Cleaner

DNA Workstation 1 DNA Workstation 1 XL UV Cleaner UV Cleaner XL

Microscopy slide boxes and accessories

Microscopy slide boxes and accessories...