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Magnetic beads

Sera-Mag Select

Magnetic bead kit for PCR product purification and NGS library construction

GeneMAGNET PCR product purification kit

• Purification of PCR products using magnetic beads
• For fragments of 100 bp to 15 kb
• Elimination of ethidium bromide, primers, enzymes, dNTPs, RNA

Product purification kit AmpliClean Cleanup PCR

• Kit for the purification and size selection of nucleic acids for the construction of NGS libraries
• Purification by magnetic beads
• Eliminates salts, residual primers and dNTPs
• Purified products ready for downstream applications, such as Sanger sequencing, NGS or DNA chips

D-Pure DyeTerminator Cleanup Kit

• Purifies sequencing samples by removing ddNTPs and salts
• Purification by magnetic beads
• Compatible with 3130, 3500/SeqStudio™ Flex and 3730 series genetic sequencers